It is finally here my peeps!!!!!💃❤💗💕🙌✨ I am so happy to share the release of my maiden book titled “My Favourite Scriptures – A Devotional for New Believers”.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this book and I am sure that you will enjoy and be inspired by the real and relatable content. I hope to spread the truth of the blessings, joy and life that is found in Christ, when we turn away from the world and turn to Him. The pages (or screen😊for my e-book peeps) contains deep truths to help …
New believers navigate this new life;
Seasoned believers remember why they fell in love with Jesus; and
Onlookers to come over to this side of grace, life, light and abundance.
I feel humbled that God would use me to be a vessel to share love, encouragement, and support in what can sometimes feel like a lost and broken world. I often say that the world may be broken but we don’t have to be, as long as we live in Jesus!
Even though this book release has been a rollercoaster of emotions from nervousness and apprehension to hope and excitement, at the heart of it, this Book is about You. It is about being obedient to the calling on my heart to serve, to help and to encourage. It is about every life whom God has predetermined to be blessed, changed, inspired and uplifted by it. The words of a close friend encapsulates and resonates my simple hope, "Let God do, what God will do with it"!
So 😊…. SAVE THE DATE!!!!
My book will be available on September 19, 2021
AND ….
PRE-ORDER your copy now at
Love Ya,
Krystal Baynes-Hoseinee