When you read the title, a few scenarios or even a few people may have come to mind. It’s an important word in the vocabulary of believers and a desirable characteristic globally because nobody likes a 'know it all' and pompous people are difficult to be around for long periods.
Humility for me is hiding in God. It is leaning on Him, looking to Him, confiding in Him, trusting Him, and abiding in Him. It is not self-doubt, self-deprecation, or oppression. It is allowing God to lead, and you follow. As a believer, you cannot try to control your life and claim humility. You cannot want to influence outcomes from a human standpoint and exemplify humility. From this Biblical perspective of writing when I say humble or humility, I do not mean relatability or simplistic living.
The house of God, the sanctuary where believers congregate is a great illustration of those who carry this trait of humility. Church services ought to remind and instigate humility in all of us, as we all walk into the sanctuary, not as executives, professionals, athletes, or any other position or undertaking, that is esteemed in the world. We sit in the pews (or probably comfortable cushioned seats) and recall that the flaws and brokenness of the unrejuvenated man brought us all firstly, to the arms of Jesus and then to church every Sunday (or Saturday). God made us all and despite our jobs, alliances, or even influence we were counted among the broken souls for whom Christ died to give life.

We have no power apart from Him, all our favour, blessings, and promotion come from Him. Instead of pompous and oppressive behaviour, our humanity should be the catalyst for humility.
I am just a person, who God chooses to use in the ways He chooses, to the people He chooses. Our wealth and health are from God. We can identify no part of our existence attributed to our effort only. Even evil deeds are helped by the unseen forces of darkness in this world.
In plain speak: God is the source of your life, the strength for life’s journeys; the grace for all your mistakes, and the propeller for promotion.
Who are you apart from God? Nothing!
Who am I apart from God? Nothing!
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
When you are in God's hand and under His shelter, when He is ready to move, promote, and increase you, He is unstoppable. This is why the Word in 1 Peter 5:6 says, “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time”.
Humility is the reason you have courage.
Humility is the reason you have strength.
Humility is the reason you have perseverance.
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me... (Psalm 27:8)
This past week the Lord placed me in rooms that were bigger than me, so I bowed my spirit, crouched under His wings, and asked for His help. In the flesh, my shoulders were squared and my gait was confident. He touched my lips and by His leading, I spoke. Do not think I am talking about churchy, preaching stuff, no! This is hiding in God for everything; your everyday life with job, family, business, and interests since we are to be clothed in humility (verse 5 of 1 Peter 5).
Desire God more than you do anything else. Run to Him, hide in Him and humbly rest in Him.
Verse 7 of the scripture in 1 Peter says, “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you”. Humbly living under the banner and leadership of God, is the only pathway to peace: tranquil trust and reliance despite life's troubles.
I want to assure you before I conclude that though the world may have jarred your definition of humility let me remind you that humility isn’t a posture of perfection, it’s the response to knowing that though unworthy, God called you to be His own, to live for Him, and to trust Him. In so doing you are being equipped each day to walk in humility before God and others.
Love Ya!
Krystal Baynes-Hoseinee

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