God is the driving force behind purpose. If God isn’t involved, it's not purpose.
For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
Philippians 2:13 NIV
God is the author and executor of Purpose. Only the creator of a thing can determine the purpose for which it is made, regardless of the misuse or underuse by us or others.
For that reason, I want to settle a fierce debate that has been raging for centuries. Okay, maybe not centuries. In any case, the toilet paper roll was meant to be over…the creator in his patent says it's over, which ends the discussion. 😊 If you dislike it then take it up with the creator.
I return from my minor digression.
Everything is created for a purpose; nothing was made just for the sake of being made.
Purpose is not passion. Purpose is not a hobby, an interest, or even a strong desire. Your purpose is actually God’s purpose, that He is working through you.
God’s Word teaches us that He is the one who works in us to will us, which causes us to act to fulfill His good purpose.
This means that what God is working through you is more than coincidental. He has all the resources of the natural and spiritual realm at His disposal, so when He chooses you to do something, please understand that you were handpicked.
Do you recall the story in the Bible when Samuel handpicked David to succeed Saul as Israel’s king? In the same way, God has handpicked you to be the mother to your children, a chef in that city, an event planner for that industry, and the list goes on.
If God does not have your cooperation how will He WORK in you? He needs a willing heart to lead as He predetermines every step. Even when you do not want to, even when you want to give up, even when you think the task is outside of your capability, God is the one who wills us to start and to keep going.
The one thing that Purpose requires is perseverance and that is not a man-made characteristic. It’s not given to those who merely wish for it, it is deposited by God to ensure that the certain difficulties that we will face on our journey of purpose will not derail or demotivate us. God has deposited in us every unction, characteristic, and skill to fulfill His and by extension our purpose.
Did you notice that I said journey OF purpose and not journey TO purpose? Your Purpose is being fulfilled every day in every small step and in every decision you make. If you don’t believe me, try to separate any experience (good or bad) from your life and think about whether you will be the same person that you are today. By the way, as long as God is the Lord of your life, where you are right now, is where He has caused or permitted you to be by His divine omniscience and His Purpose is STILL good!

Living your life as God directs in the small things and the big things are cumulatively your Purpose journey. It means therefore that your Purpose cannot be thwarted or remain unfulfilled. It shall always get to the point of that pre-destined point of fulfillment when we fall asleep in Christ. God then appoints another to carry on what we began.
The word fulfill means to make good on something or to bring about an action from a predetermined desire or statement. It is something coming to the forefront that was known or spoken at a previous time. The only being who knows past, present, and future is God and as such, it is only His will from before the beginning of time that we are now fulfilling.
We all have a purpose. It is our creator God who works in us to make us act to fulfill His good purpose. The challenges we face will be a little easier to bear when we focus on the truth that God's purpose is always good. There is nothing unholy or evil in God's nature and as such He cannot be anything and manifest anything but GOOD.
I hosted a professional workshop over the past two weekends and one participant asked whether it was my passion. In responding in the affirmative, my thoughts went deeper into the divine aspect of Purpose. Being cautious to not synonymize passion with purpose, I concluded that it could only be God who would give me the will to pursue that desire, all to ultimately achieve His purpose.
We should all feel blessed yet humbled to be part of God’s blueprint for this world. Everything we do by His will, is all for His Good Purpose.
Love Ya!
Krystal Baynes-Hoseinee

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