It's only because we need it. It's because we are strengthened and encouraged by it. It's the method by which we are comforted by His presence in an intimate, undisturbed, and uninhibited manner.
God knows that we need Him more than we can truly comprehend and our perspective of His goodness is magnified through prayer. Our hearts become tender and pliable to the Holy Spirit to see, hear, and understand His will and way when we pray. We press into Him (everything that HE needs us to know about him and ourselves, for our unique race). When we approach Him as hungry and thirsty lambs, He is sure to satisfy us. Communion with God means everything to us and prayer (diligent, mindful, and consistent) is one way to maintain that communion.
No matter the season of your life, prayer is the pathway to peace and, our security through any storm. Talk to God frankly and regularly. Empty your soul in His presence as He longs for you to seek Him. He is looking to show Himself strong on behalf of those loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). Prayer reminds you that God did not sacrifice His son Jesus for your soul and then leave you to suffer alone.
The oneness that Jesus said He desired for and with His disciples is what we too must desire. It is more than accepting Christ, it is also the entire journey of renewal to be changed into the image of Jesus. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. (Romans 8:29)
Prayer is also one of the first places the enemy attacks. Since your words come from your heart, your faith and confidence in God sit there. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks (Luke 6:45b). Therefore, the enemy is quick to throw condemnation and lies that God doesn't hear, or maybe heard, but won't answer because you are undeserving. That’s an example of why we are told in Ephesians 6, to don the breastplate of righteousness. Cover your heart with reminders that your access to God is through Christ who died to set you free from sin and shame and allow you to live abundantly and victoriously.
Another dirty lie of the wicked one is that if you don't meet the word count and grammar specs (as if your prayer is a thesis) then you're not really praying. Somehow two words, "God Help" don't meet the criteria. Tell the devil to 'go from here'!
God never placed restrictions on the method of prayer. When, where, and how long you choose to pray will never be indicators of whether He hears you. Some kneel, some lie in bed, and some pray as they shower. The ‘throne’ has probably been a major place for breakthrough and deliverance because let’s be honest, it's probably the only place some people get some quiet time.
Condemnation about the length of prayer, method of prayer, and the words used to pray have taken the forefront in many Christian circles. I wonder why the modern Church continues to place those yokes around the necks of believers. The man on the cross who asked Christ to remember him will receive the same heavenly eternity as the one who devoted their life to serving God. My point is that prayer looks different from person to person and in this New Testament era, God through His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit have given us that liberty.
This is a clarion call for free, frequent, unforced, and uninhibited prayer.
God wants us to know that the boldness with which we can approach the throne isn’t synonymous with bravery or strength, but means confidence that we have open access. As it relates to this piece on prayer it means that He hears us, whether it’s a whisper, shouts of thanksgiving, or through tears.
Once He hears, He can't unhear. His character is Holy and as such He can't ignore. Now the Bible does reference a few things that can inhibit the effectiveness of our prayer, such as selfish requests and unforgiveness. However, the journey of sanctification and renewal would eventually resolve those issues. God certainly isn’t waiting for perfection before He responds to your requests. Because of His unchanging goodness, He answers regardless of the state we’re in!
I think it's easy to become legalistic about prayer and then feel condemned when we don't meet a standard that Jesus never set. Pray whether you're in the midst of or about to do a wrongful act. Pray even when you feel undeserving. God who knows you, hears you.
Let the Lord decide what He gives and when but never inhibit your life, progress, and breakthrough because you simply never gave it to God in prayer.
God is actively listening to hear your voice and is too loving to leave you in silence.
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Colossians 4:2
Love ya!
Krystal Baynes-Hoseinee
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