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Dancing in the Rain

The excitement in his voice was unmistakable, as this jovial adult man extolled the benefits of dancing in the rain. I couldn’t help but smile with adoration, yet acknowledge the tinge of envy, certain that I was too self-conscious to share in his experience. Nonetheless, I smiled, closed my eyes and reminisced on the few times that we played in the rain as children; the fun, the release and freedom akin to a magic carpet ride. A warm feeling of joy coated my thoughts of the possibility of a carefree release, amidst this prison-like state of ‘stay home’ and ‘stay inside’. On several occasions I watched with admiration as my two young neighbours happily and freely played in the rain - under their dad’s careful supervision - with no stress, no worries and a world of possibility developing in their young minds.

Maybe I too should release my inhibition, let down my locs and the next time that the rain begins to fall, to just go dancing in the rain. It will be a much-needed escape from our current cloak of fear and anxiety, and for a few minutes I could dance and play unrestrained. There is something about rekindling precious childhood experiences that should move the muscles of your face into a smile, release endorphins, remove self-consciousness and give you the courage to do what will make you happy. As my husband and I celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary today, there is no better phrase to describe our wedding day than ‘Dancing in the Rain’.

The Rain

The rain began when Covid-19 made its appearance on the world stage and by March 2020, Trinidad and Tobago began a lock down that eventually went on for 3 months. At first it was merely a drizzle, because though our wedding plans were now up in the air, we still held a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, it would be a passing cloud. As the days turned into weeks, the drizzle became a steady shower as flights were cancelled, public gatherings were significantly limited and one by one the availability of suppliers became uncertain. Then came the torrential downpour of disagreements, characteristic of all nuptials, which was exacerbated by disappointing actions, crushed plans and unfortunate interruptions. The rain was unwelcomed and hurtful, but who knew that God would turn showers of despair into a torrent of grace and blessings.

The Dancing

The sky was dusty blue with gold highlights from the sun that had just dipped below the horizon. The cool evening breeze caused the shimmering tablecloths to sway with the wind. The hall was almost empty and in that moment, to us, we were the only people present. No abundance of cameras and lights, no joyful heckles, but the serenity, exclusivity and intimacy of two people who knew that despite their changed wedding plans, that the marriage was more important than the wedding. The voice of Brian McKnight's “Nobody” pierced the silence of the hall, and coaxed along by the calming wind, my husband held me in his arms, time slowed and every moment thereafter was intimately ours. There was no anxiety due to staring eyes and no rush to get on to the next item on the programme; just a magnificent evening, looking over an elegantly decorated hall, and with the lush green landscape of Nia Valley in the distance, we danced the night away.

On our wedding day we danced in storm-like rain, as those closest to us, braved the weather to stand and witness our lifelong commitment to each other and to God. Some people who were strangers mere weeks before, showed that God will work through whomever to shower his grace and blessings. The DJ, make-up artist, hairdresser, decorator, photographers, caterer, venue owner and our God-sent wedding planner, danced in the rain right alongside us. I almost couldn’t believe that despite the rain, that not only would we laugh, play and dance in the downpour, but that instead of seeking shelter, selfless love caused family, dear friends and strangers to dance in the rain with us.

The Memories

One year later we look back and the heart warming and vivid memories of our wedding day, are not of rain, but the way we held each other’s hand and danced in the rain. Our parents proudly walked us down the aisle, my friends kept me smiling as we maintained the tradition of the wedding eve sleep over, the messages, calls, support and love from our friends and loved ones who couldn’t attend in person, are just a drop in the bucket of reasons, why the rain just could not stop us from dancing.

If we take our difficult situations, give them to God and focus on Him, you too will realise that as far back as your memory takes you, instead of the aches associated with challenges and trials, you will remember how God brought you out, how He showed up mightily and how He caused you too, to dance in the rain.

The character of true love

is seen in the darkness of a storm

than the quietness of inactivity.

Love Ya!

Krystal Baynes-Hoseinee

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