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I Can Do All Things

Writer's picture: Krystal Baynes-HoseineeKrystal Baynes-Hoseinee

Christ is living in us; we can do all things.

God is “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”. (Ephesians 3:20)

Apart from God, we can do nothing (John 15:5) but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

How many scriptures do I need to quote to convince you that you are more than able and capable of achieving everything that you’ve set out to?

The start of a new year is one of the best times to be reminded that God is with you and that as a team of 2, you can achieve anything, even the impossible.

Culture now seems to frown upon new year’s resolutions, touting that people often fail, forget or become frustrated and give up. However, by whatever name one chooses to call it a resolution is simply a decision, whether they are in the form of goals or mere desires, the principle is the same.

My belief is that I should not enter a new period directionless, and if you’ve followed my blogs for the past two years you’d realise that I am a strong advocate for nurturing your dreams and goals.

It could be the tiniest and most irrelevant goal to everyone else but committing to it would mean the world to you (whether you succeed or fall short). At the close of each year, I enjoy reading people’s stories about how much of their goals they have accomplished and their determination to keep trying in the next year or set new goals.

Over the last few weeks, I have been reflecting on a simple verse in which Paul resolutely and confidently claimed that he “can do all things through Christ who gives [him] strength" (Philippians 4:13). I can’t explain the pliable, dynamic and evolutionary impact this scripture can have on your life if you allow it to marinate in your soul. Its close runner-up is: “If God is for us, who can be against us”! (Romans 8:31) The answer is no one, not even yourself.

I don't think these words could ever properly convey the stirring of strength and resilience that I feel when I recite these verses to myself. They heave guilt and unworthiness off my back and lift my consciousness to the wealth of potential that lives within me.

We have power in us. We have the capability in us. We have Christ in us. We have abilities beyond our abilities, residing in us. That is why I can do all things.

Don’t believe me? From whom did Noah learn his skill of carpentry to build an ark? From whom did the tradesmen learn the skills to build the Temple in Jerusalem? From which earthly teacher did Solomon, Paul or Peter learn to speak with grace, truth, and wisdom? It was, is, and will always be God!

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit” (Zechariah 4:6) the Spirit by which Zerubbabel was empowered to metaphorically level a mighty mountain.

Who is strong like our God or able like our God and loves you like our God? Imagine the mighty mountains that you could flatten with God.

I am fired up for 2023 because MY GOD IS ABLE!

I believe that I “shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever [I do] shall prosper.” (Psalm 1:3)

Last year God held our hands through one of our toughest storms to bring our sweet baby boy into the world. He blessed our new business and for the first time, I read the entire bible over the course of the year as I had set my heart to at the beginning of 2022.

I’ve set goals for myself for this new year because, I believe that it is God who directs my desires/goals and still, I always leave space for Him to adjust or redirect me as He wishes.

This year, I am venturing into unchartered territory with my professional goals and praying for God to hold my hands as I set out to walk on water. Life and its priorities have officially changed having added the title of mother once again to my credentials 😊. Despite the drama and interruptions of last year, I have set my heart to accomplish a few things this year (some of which I can share 😊):

  1. Publish blog articles every other week or at least twice per month (keep me accountable please fam, lol things can become very hectic);

  2. Workout 3 times per week for at least 45 minutes (because realistically that is all I think I can manage with a baby lol);

  3. Bible study and prayer for at least 30 minutes, 3 times per week (again we’re setting S.M.A.R.T goals and keeping it achievable 😊. Don’t even ask what my study time looked like last year if this is my goal lol);

  4. Pursue my love for teaching and people development by facilitating the first of hopefully many more professional skills-building workshops. The first is a series of Minute-Taking Skills Workshops that are carded for January and February 2023. (See the flyer and registration information below);

  5. Complete one personal development seminar/course/workshop. (I plan to register for Woman Arise hosted by Karisma Coaching. (See the flyer and registration link below); and

  6. Complete two professional development courses.

I pray that you have already set a few goals for yourself and/or your family for the year 2023 and that God gives you the grace and strength to see them through. Even more, I pray that God will give you the daily bread that you need for each day’s obligations, goals, or challenges because truly, you can do all things through Jesus Christ.

Happy New Year and God's richest blessings for 2023!

From my family to yours!

Love Ya!

Krystal Baynes-Hoseinee

Register for the Minute-Taking Skills Workshops

using this link:


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Use the link below to register for Woman Arise:

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Jan 01, 2023

Blessed New year to you and yours and indeed God has immensely great in adding to your family. Definitely will hold you accountable re: writing of articles, especially since I look forward to your offerings. They are truly a blessing to me, and I pray they are and will be to many person's who take the opportunity to read them. May Abba Father guide your thoughts and as they are penned so insightfully, may the words be a beacon of light to those in darkness. Love and light.

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